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Catering To Cats and Dogs Redesign

Catering to Cats and Dogs: where love finds a home


People wanting to adopt pets or volunteer encounter difficulties locating and processing information on the current website, leading to frustration. We need to help them find what they are looking for and complete the tasks they are trying to accomplish more efficiently.


To redesigned the Catering to Cats and Dogs website in a way that makes it more user friendly and inviting. To get rid of redundant and useless features within the original website that made it feel cluttered and confusing.

My roles & responsibilities

  • We worked as a group of 3

  • We all shared a lot of the responsibilities.

  • My responsibility in prototyping was the creation of the menus, the hover states on the buttons and the sliding hero image on the home page. I also came up with some of the other design ideas such as the footer and font choice.


Our project took 3 weeks to complete.

My Roles

Some of what I did in this project were some of the user interviews and a lot of user testing. Another one of my main responsibilities for this project was creating the menu and the the hover states for the website.

User Surveys

For this project we Conducted a survey with a series of questions pertaining to how people feel about the adoption and fostering of animals.


Heuristic Evaluation

  • ​The icons on the footer are scattered and unsure of what to do with them.

  • The contact information
    seems hard to find, doesn't stand out.

  • The call to action gets lost in the image and is hard to read over the hero image.

  • The plus sign at top right of page needs context to say it is signing up to volunteer.

Feature Prioritization Map

User Journey Map

We created this user Journey map to come up with how a person might go about finding and using the website and why they did. This journey map gave us an opportunity to find things to include in the app.

Site Map

Style Guide

Usability Test Results

Some of the main takeaways from the user testing were:

  • The confirm task button needed to be moved to bottom.

  • Allow option to get directions to the task from the current location.

  • Change the appearance of the confirm task button.

  • ​Due by button needs a calendar and time selection option.

High Fidelity Interactive Prototype

We took the results from the usability testing and turned the wireframes into a hi-fi clickable prototype. We finalized all of the menu options and buttons and figured out the best transitions to use for each interaction.

Final Thoughts

Reflection on project:

Overall this project was a great learning experience. Everyone worked to their strengths and helped each other to make this prototype the best it could be. The main thing missing from this project was any insight or feedback from C2CND themselves. It would’ve been great to incorporate their wants and needs into the project as well.

Future Iterations:

  • Fully thought out adoption page.

  • Paw prints when clicking on menu items.

  • Make indicators under hero image clickable to advance slide.

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